31 março 2020

O Príncipe da Lua

4 comentários:

  1. I've no idea what it was about as I don't speak Portuguese, but I scrolled to the end and saw two princes marrying and that is enough of a lovely fairy ending for me :) Hope they lived happily ever after.

    1. It´s a short about two Princes - The Prince Of Moon and The Prince Of Sun.
      Both have a kingdom and their kings had a severe war against each other. The love of both Princes will be able to conquer the war? That's the story! ;)

      I'm sure their love will be forever, as we have sun and moon rising each day! <3

  2. so sweert, but you gave me a great idea for my next post



Uma das novidades para este ano é um podcast chamado "GenPod", onde falaremos sobre uma data de temas do vosso interesse! Sigam no...